Attain goals more easily - 4 practical tips

Ziele einfacher erreichen – 4 praktische Tipps
(Inage from 41330 auf Pixabay)
You have clearly defined your goal and your heart beats for it? Then the following tips will help you to reach your goal more easily.
  1. Work with your fear, not against it.
  2. Use success anchors from the past.
  3. Trust your inner voice, especially in critical situations.
  4. Train your perseverance and persistence.

1. Work with your fear, not against it

(Foto from Pexels CC0)
To achieve your goal, you have to set out into the unknown. This can create fear, which then often unconsciously keeps us from reaching the end and persevering. Or even to start in the first place. If you try to ignore or suppress the fear, it will still have its effects in the background. Our neurobiological processes in and between our brain and body support this, i.e. because a perception or situation can trigger your fears again, even if you don't want it to.

Therefore it is always better to perceive your fear curiously, it wants to point you to something that blocks you. Then you can investigate where the fear comes from, where it has its cause and dissolve the associated experience so that it does not cause further fear. In doing so, you will grow beyond the fear and trigger your courage and love.

Quote from Dan Millman's The Life you were born to live: "Fear is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master."

2. Use success anchors from the past

When you are about to give up, remember situations in which you managed to achieve a goal. Especially when your mind tries to convince you that it is impossible.

Even when your goals are clear, the way to get there is often unknown. That is one reason why your mind may tell you that it is impossible to achieve this or that goal. Then you may decide to abandon the path and give up. In such situations it is important to keep connecting yourself with experiences (i.e. concrete images and feelings) in your life in which you managed to continue, persevere and reach your goal despite all doubts.

3. Trust your inner voice, especially in critical situations

If you pursue your goals only with your head (mind), you may miss an important turn on the way to your goal. Turnoffs can show up in your life in many different ways: someone who gives you a hint; a piece of information that has crossed your path for the third time; a situation that comes up again and again; a feeling that makes itself noticeable; and much more.

But how do you notice turnoffs and in which direction you should go? You can often only see the turnoffs with your heart. Your inner voice can help you to take the best turn in the current moment. You should not lose sight of your goal and at the same time be open to the fact that the way isn't always as straight as you imagine it.

This is not just theory. In software development, for example, a methodology has evolved called agile. Agile means to be physically and mentally agile and nimble. In short sequences we check if we are still on the best way to the goal and readjust if necessary. This allows us to react quickly to changing parameters and not run blindly in the wrong direction. It is also possible to change or adjust the target.

4. Train your perseverance and persistence

You need perseverance to achieve a goal, especially longer-term ones. Willpower and discipline are needed to keep taking the next step again & again and to persevere despite difficulties, failure or resistance. Any athlete can tell you that. He can also confirm that you should take regular breaks. But that is a different topic.

Limiting beliefs can stop you and break your will and discipline. They tell you that you can't do this or that, make you put off activities (procrastination) or prevent you from starting at all. You should dissolve and transform them so that they do not stand in your way.

As you could see in the previous section, agility is an advantage to stay flexible and to react to changing situations. If you doggedly use your will, you may not be able to see, hear, or sense when to take which turn. The right amount of discipline is closely related to the ability to listen to your heart and inner voice. You could summarize by saying: move forward focusing on your vision and at the same time keep your goal in sight.

These tips are the essence of the feedback from the participants of my firewalking seminars, my coaching and my own experience. You can implement them at any time. To internalize them even further and to dive deeper into the topics, you can attend a firewalking seminar. In the preparation for the firewalk we deal intensively with the exact understanding and practical application of these tips.
I wish you much success in trying it out and valuable insights for your further development.