Firewalking a key to team development

BurningChange Teamentwicklung mit Feuerlaufen

In this seminar we forge together the team of tomorrow, strengthen cohesion and promote team spirit (Teamgseist). As unique human beings, we can develop extraordinary mental powers in a team, which enable us to achieve together what would not be possible for us alone.

In this firewalking seminar, we forge together the team of tomorrow by strengthening cohesion and fostering team spirit (Teamgeist). As unique human beings, we can develop extraordinary spiritual powers in a team, which enable us to achieve together what would not be possible for us individually. It is this spiritual power that manifests itself in team spirit and through its manifestation the team literally achieves the impossible. That which was previously unthinkable! The team spirit often fails because of the emotional tension that arises between the urge for autonomy of each individual and the understanding that we get ahead as a team. The resulting team dynamic must be understood and mastered. In the Firewalk seminar, we work on understanding that better results can only be achieved when The Team works together constructively and trusts in the abilities of each individual. Participants will realize that they all have different strengths that combined enhance their performance as a team. Key experiences and learning The team develops skills and the self-confidence to go beyond what they believe is possible. They discover untapped mental and physical capabilities and overcome obstacles in their journey to collaboration. Participants facing fears, self-doubt and inner rejection are empowered to transform these feelings and reaction patterns. Thex develop courage and healthy self-esteem to grow personally and enrich the team as a result. Participants learn to be self-empowered by taking 100% responsibility for their thoughts, their feelings, and their actions. Participants learn to trust their inner voice and the guidance of their heart in critical situations. The team takes the first courageous step towards the desired goal and creates the team dynamics necessary to achieve it. The participants can achieve something new, even though their mind tells them it is impossible. The team experiences how the cohesion and energy of the group helps them achieve the impossible. The firewalk motivates to achieve goals together. Every change begins with the first step. Participants will be guided through the experience of walking across hot glowing embers to take the first step and integrate the key experiences of the seminar. They will identify the inner resources and courage that will enable them to take that step and achieve goals together.
