Ignite your team's full potential

Motivation, Teamgeist, Collaboration. Daring the impossible will get your team ahead. Create the momentum for success.
Train your leadership team to leave their comfort zone and excel.
Go for it now - if you dare

Firewalking for teams

Ignite change in your organization – motivate your team to achieve the impossible. Integrate firewalking in your management development or team building seminar as a special event or a complete training. The seminar will be tailored to your specific leadership and team needs or change initiative.

Leadership in action

Leading transformation in our fast-paced and often complex business world is essential to success on every level. Leadership is about understanding and implementing sustainable change, motivating people, liberating individual potential and improving the relationship to your team.

Team development & organizational change

Questioning the status quo of organizing work. Improving organizational performance and alignment. Increasing employee engagement in daily work and in projects.

Train your leadership team

The process of change is often stalled by the direct or indirect expression of emotional responses, such as fear, suspicion, anxiety, distress and insecurity. Change management models are helpful for the process of change but fail to offer support in effectively responding to emotions, like denial, refusal, overreaction or lethargy, coming from your team. Energy is consumed by coping with these often suppressed or unresolved emotions and therefore is not available for engaging actively in the transition process itself.

In my workshops, I use firewalking as a symbolic representation of change. A firewalk is a rite of passage* from the status quo to a new way of being. Walking barefoot over red-hot embers is a development tool for inner-transformation and allows for sustainable change by experiencing it on a physical level. The transformational characteristic of fire shows a significant analogy to the emotions and reactions to change. Through their own experience participants will decipher how they can effectively transform them into courage, trust, motivation and a state of mind that supports change.

* any important act or event that serves to mark a passage from one stage of life to another

Practical Learnings and Outcomes for leaders

  • Understand how reactions to change affect yourself and others.
  • Handle resistance to the change process within your organization.
  • Create courage for commitment to change.
  • Transform rejection into team engagement and involvement.
  • Change your tendency to (over) control your team into a trusted relationship.

The transformation of emotions and reactions can be applied immediately - from those that do not support change into those that help carry the transformation further. You will have a better understanding of what is going on in your team and how you can help those who struggle with change. This will liberate individual potential, improve the relationship to your team and create group cohesion.

For decision makers and training specialists

You want to understand the specific activities in a firewalking seminar and their effects & benefits for your team development or leadership event?

Below is a summary. If you would like to know more get in contact with me.


Want to know more?

Contact me to discuss your firewalk as a team or in person.

